It's that good! For 37.00 US (more or less with your country's dollar exchange per the US dollar), it is a very precise and good stick for all applications. You only need to THINK what you want to do.and it will be done in smooth flight surface action without jerks or ranges that go wild right off dead 0/0.
So nice in fact, that I have reduced all DEAD ZONES to 0 and cranked up the SENSITIVITY bars to FULL BORE. Again, your LEFT throttle lever will advance ALL engines unless programmed otherwise.The smoothness of the flight stick in the X and Y axis is VERY PRECISE with no hang-ups or resistance other than what you'd expect. Unless programmed to specifically control one of your multi engines, it will be only dead weight and not actually controlling anything. So.I suggest you push in and release the two-throttle lock up button, so as to unnecessarily move and wear the second throttle lever. In FSX, you ONLY need to use the LEFT throttle control to manipulate both engines of a dual, or all engines of a multi, UNLESS that plane lets you adjust two engines (or whatever engine you program into the second throttle lever) to control all engines within the environment. Push it in (it comes that way) and you have dual throttle engagement as you move the left Throttle Control. There is a push-in and lock,push again to unlock switch on the left side of the left throttle. Another great feature, is the DUAL THROTTLE CONTROL. Or leave the cows in the pasture, and do as many anyway! :) It's that simple. If you have other games or sims, you can make up as many custom profiles you want until the cows come home. That's it, other than make your new FSX Custom Profile the DEFAULT profile to load up when you start up your O.S. After you do that, (read the Editor Manual) type in the the action that the button and/or toggle switch will perform, as you just programmed the key presses, and then save that profile as for instance, 'FSX CUSTOM-YOUR NAME' and then PRINT out via the Saitek Editor Software, what all the buttons and switch toggles now engage. Have both the Saitek Profile Editor and FSX (keyboard inputs/keys) along each other and then start your CUSTOMIZING of your new AV8R-01! Read what features you want to activate on your 17 buttons and toggle position A/B, and just make those keystrokes from what you see on the list in FSX, into the different switch and/or button boxes within the Editor. Bring the Control keyboard options into view and then reduce the window upon your monitor.
Being that you can custom program EVERY button or toggle switch on the instrument, it makes it a joy to use and own with FSX.For programming the stick, it couldn't be easier!!!! Just fire up the Saitek Profile Editor software that you installed run FSX and then go to window mode. Good deal! For fighter jocks, there is a fail-safe switch cover for the red lit missile/weapon launch button (or can be programmed to do anything within FSX, or any other game) if a fighter pilot sim is your pleasure. You don't overlap the hand at either the bottom or the top of the flight column. Later about that.The stick features a full height column that fits a large hand with ease. version ((which they have, including W7)) programming software, with intuitive/ease-of-use features.
Really great (after you download the latest drivers for your O.S. I did all the usual stuff in calibrate/repair.but it mechanically wasn't going to happen.Now:I picked up a Saitek AV8R-01 joystick (my first Saitek product ever) and am happy to report that for a price (average of $37.00 US), this stick really has some quality and features built into it.
Hi all,Then:I had a Logitech 3D Pro that I really liked, but the rudder axis went south with only minimal range happening on the left twist.